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Última Actualización: 4 de Agosto de 2.000 - Viernes
Message-ID: <38D0E1B9.44726BC6@argo.es> Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 14:29:29 +0100 From: Jesus Cea Avion <jcea@argo.es> Organization: Argo Redes y Servicios Telematicos, S.A. - http://www.argo.es/ To: coders@undernet.org, Lista CODERS IRC-Hispano <coders@irc-hispano.org>, Lista IRC Hispano <OPs@irc-hispano.org>, Lista IRCops ESNET <ircops@esnet.org>, coder-com <coder-com@undernet.org> Subject: [ops] IRC-Hispano/ESNET paradigms (I) References: <38C728E4.113637B6@inxpress.net> <38C7B6AD.CAB4D5F9@argo.es> <38C83C1B.648B3190@inxpress.net>
> Sure, tell us about it. :) Can you give us a general description of
> the design, perhaps with things you like about and things you dislike
> about it, lessons learned etc... Anything you feel worth mentioning.
Well, I have a lot of documents online, but only available in spanish. Try:
In 1.997, IRC-Hispano was a very centraliced organization. A single ISP was controlling the entire network. It runs all the services, control clones, etc., and it abuse (my opinion) its position.
So I created ESNET.
The ESNET principles are written in a white paper (spanish). In short:
In order to achieve its objectives, ESNET needed a distributed database scheme, in order to keep information in all the servers about clone control, channel owner/membership, nick registration, and so on.
In 1998-1999 Christmas, IRC-Hispano brokes; the old "central node" in a side and all the rest of us in the other (we were about 20 Spanish ISP; I was in ESNET and IRC-Hispano simultaneously). The battle was bloody, but we manage to keep most of the users in the "new" IRC-Hispano. The new administration decides to take the ESNET technological improvements to develop a common codebase for both networks. A year ago. Time pases... :-)
PS: New blood came into the old "central node" and now they are inside IRC-Hispano again. Home, nice home.
PPS: Our record, growing about 500 users per month:
[14:27]9286 Usuarios de Pico (Sat Mar 11 00:14:16 2000)
PPPS: IRC-Hispano is a non lucrative association composed by Spanish ISPs and cable/telco companies.
-- Jesus Cea Avion _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ jcea@argo.es http://www.argo.es/~jcea/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ PGP Key Available at KeyServ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ "Things are not so easy" _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ "My name is Dump, Core Dump" _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ "El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz
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