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30 de Junio de 1.996 - Domingo
[HTTP1.1] "HyperText Transfer Protocol" http://www.w3.org [KA9Q-CFG] Formato de los ficheros de configuración del paquete de software KA9Q-NOS Phil Karn, KA9Q [KISS] "Proposed "Raw" (aka "KISS") TNC Functional Spec" Phil Karn, KA9Q Mike Cheppionis, K3MC 6 August 1986 [LABCD] Laboratorio de Comunicación de Datos Curso 94-95. Vigo, 16 de Marzo de 1.995 Alvaro Manuel Gómez Vieites Carlos Gabieiro Martínez Jose Cadavid Jáuregui Jesús Cea Avión [LABCD-FIS] Laboratorio de Comunicación de Datos Curso 94-95. Vigo, 16 de Marzo de 1.995 Capa Física Alvaro Manuel Gómez Vieites Carlos Gabieiro Martínez Jose Cadavid Jáuregui Jesús Cea Avión [LABCD-MEM] Laboratorio de Comunicación de Datos Curso 94-95. Vigo, 16 de Marzo de 1.995 Módulo de Gestión de Memoria Alvaro Manuel Gómez Vieites Carlos Gabieiro Martínez Jose Cadavid Jáuregui Jesús Cea Avión [LABCD-MSG] Laboratorio de Comunicación de Datos Curso 94-95. Vigo, 16 de Marzo de 1.995 Módulo de Mensajes Alvaro Manuel Gómez Vieites Carlos Gabieiro Martínez Jose Cadavid Jáuregui Jesús Cea Avión [LABCD-PRT] Laboratorio de Comunicación de Datos Curso 94-95. Vigo, 16 de Marzo de 1.995 Módulo de Portabilidad Alvaro Manuel Gómez Vieites Carlos Gabieiro Martínez Jose Cadavid Jáuregui Jesús Cea Avión [MACAX25] "MacAX25 Design Speficications" Tim Hayes, N2KBG Abril 1.995 [PORTABLE] Proyecto Global de Portabilidad para Lenguaje C Jesús Cea Avión 11 de Abril de 1.990 [POWERNET] Proyecto PowerNet Jesús Cea Avión Implementación de multitarea cooperativa en lenguaje C 11 de Abril de 1.990 [RFC595] RFC595: "Second thoughts in defense of the Telnet Go-Ahead" W. Hathaway Diciembre 1.973 [RFC596] RFC596: "Second thoughts on Telnet Go-Ahead" E. Taft Diciembre 1.973 [RFC652] RFC652: "Telnet output carriage-return disposition option" D. Crocker Octubre 1.974 [RFC653] RFC653: "Telnet output horizontal tabstops option" D. Crocker Octubre 1.974 [RFC654] RFC654: "Telnet output horizontal tab disposition option" D. Crocker Octubre 1.974 [RFC655] RFC655: "Telnet output formfeed disposition option" D. Crocker Octubre 1.974 [RFC656] RFC656: "Telnet output vertical tabstops option" D. Crocker Octubre 1.974 [RFC657] RFC657: "Telnet output vertical tab disposition option" D. Crocker Octubre 1.974 [RFC658] RFC658: "Telnet output linefeed disposition" D. Crocker Octubre 1.974 [RFC659] RFC659: "Announcing additional Telnet options" Jon Postel Octubre 1.974 [RFC698] RFC698: "TELNET EXTENDED ASCII OPTION" (Autor desconocido) Julio 1.975 [RFC726] RFC726: "Remote Controlled Transmssion and Echoing Telnet Option" Jon Postel Dave Crocker Marzo 1.977 [RFC727] RFC727: "TELNET Logout Option" Mark Crispin Abril 1.977 [RFC728] RFC728: "A Minor Pitfall in the Telnet Protocol" John Day Abril 1.977 [RFC735] RFC735: "Revised Telnet byte macro option" D. Crocker R. Gumpertz Noviembre 1.977 [RFC736] RFC736: "Telnet SUPDUP option" M. Crispin Octubre 1.977 [RFC749] RFC749: "Telnet SUPDUP-Output option" B. Greenberg Septiembre 1.978 [RFC748] RFC748: "Telnet randomly-lose option" M. Crispin Abril 1.978 [RFC768] RFC768: "User Datagram Protocol" Jon Postel Agosto 1.981 [RFC778] RFC 778: "DCNET Internet Clock Service" D.L. Mills Abril 1.981 [RFC779] RFC779: "Telnet send-location option" E. Killian Abril 1.981 [RFC783] RFC783: "THE TFTP PROTOCOL (REVISION 2)" K. R. Sollins Junio 1.981 [RFC791] RFC 791: "Internet Protocol" Jon Postel Septiembre 1.981 [RFC792] RFC 792: "Internet Control Message Protocol" Jon Postel Septiembre 1.981 [RFC793] RFC793: "Transport Control Protocol" Jon Postel Septiembre 1.981 [RFC801] RFC801: "NCP/TCP TRANSITION PLAN" Jon Postel Noviembre 1.981 [RFC805] RFC805: "Computer Mail Meeting Notes" Jon Postel Febrero 1.982 [RFC813] RFC813: "WINDOW AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STRATEGY IN TCP" David D. Clark Julio 1.982 [RFC815] RFC 815: "IP Datagram Reassembly Algorithms" David D. Clark Julio 1.982 [RFC821] RFC821: "SIMPLE MAIL TRANSFER PROTOCOL" Jonathan B. Postel Agosto 1.982 [RFC822] RFC822: "STANDARD FOR THE FORMAT OF ARPA INTERNET TEXT MESSAGES" David H. Crocker Agosto 1.982 [RFC826] RFC 826: "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol or Converting Network Protocol Addresses to 48.bit Ethernet Address for Transmission on Ethernet Hardware" David C. Plummer Noviembre 1.982 [RFC854] RFC854: "Telnet Protocol specification" Jon Postel Joyce Reynolds Mayo 1.983 [RFC855] RFC855: "Telnet option specifications" Jon Postel Joyce Reynolds Mayo 1.983 [RFC856] RFC856: "Telnet binary transmission" Jon Postel Joyce Reynolds Mayo 1.983 [RFC857] RFC857: "TELNET ECHO OPTION" Jon Postel Joyce Reynolds Mayo 1.983 [RFC858] RFC858: "TELNET SUPPRESS GO AHEAD OPTION" Jon Postel Joyce Reynolds Mayo 1.983 [RFC859] RFC859: "Telnet status option" Jon Postel Joyce Reynolds Mayo 1.983 [RFC860] RFC860: "TELNET TIMING MARK OPTION" Jon Postel Joyce Reynolds Mayo 1.983 [RFC861] RFC861: "Telnet extended options: List option" Jon Postel Joyce Reynolds Mayo 1.983 [RFC862] RFC862: "Echo Protocol" Jon Postel Mayo 1.983 [RFC863] RFC863: "Discard Protocol" Jon Postel Mayo 1.983 [RFC876] RFC876: "Survey of SMTP Implementations" D. Smallberg Septiembre 1.983 [RFC879] RFC879: "The TCP Maximum Segment Size and Related Topics" Jon Postel Noviembre 1.983 [RFC885] RFC885: "Telnet end of record option" Jon Postel Diciembre 1.983 [RFC896] RFC896: "Congestion Control in IP/TCP Internetworks" John Nagle Enero 1.984 [RFC903] RFC 903: "A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol" Ross Finlayson Timothy Mann Jeffrey Mogul Marvin Theimer Junio 1.984 [RFC906] RFC906: "Bootstrap Loading using TFTP" Ross Finlayson Junio 1.984 [RFC913] RFC913: "Simple File Transfer Protocol" Mark K. Lottor Septiembre 1.984 [RFC907] RFC907: "INTERNET SUBNETS" Jeffrey Mogul Octubre 1.984 [RFC919] RFC919: "BROADCASTING INTERNET DATAGRAMS" Jeffrey Mogul Octubre 1.984 [RFC922] RFC922: "BROADCASTING INTERNET DATAGRAMS IN THE PRESENCE OF SUBNETS" Jeffrey Mogul Octubre 1.984 [RFC925] RFC925: "Multi-LAN Address Resolution" Jon Postel Octubre 1.984 [RFC927] RFC927: "TACACS user identification Telnet option" B. Anderson Diciembre 1.984 [RFC930] RFC930: "TELNET TERMINAL TYPE OPTION" Marvin Sólomon Edward Wimmers Enero 1.985 [RFC932] RFC932: "A SUBNETWORK ADDRESSING SCHEME" David D. Clark Enero 1.985 [RFC933] RFC933: "OUTPUT MARKING TELNET OPTION" S. Silverman Enero 1.985 [RFC936] RFC936: "Another Internet Subnet Addressing Scheme" Michael J. Karels Febrero 1.985 [RFC940] RFC940: "Toward an Internet Standard Scheme for Subnetting" Gateway Algorithms and Data Structures (GADS) Task Force Abril 1.985 [RFC944] RFC944: "Official ARPA-Internet protocols" Joyce Reynolds Jon Postel Abril 1.985 [RFC946] RFC946: "Telnet terminal location number option" R. Nedved Mayo 1.985 [RFC947] RFC947: "Multi-network Broadcasting within the Internet" Ken Lebowitz David Mankins Junio 1.985 [RFC950] RFC950: "Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure" J. Mogul Jon Postel Agosto 1.985 [RFC959] RFC959: "FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL (FTP)" Joyce Reynolds Jon Postel Octubre 1.985 [RFC966] RFC966: "Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol" S. E. Deering D. R. Cheriton Diciembre 1.985 [RFC974] RFC974: "MAIL ROUTING AND THE DOMAIN SYSTEM" Craig Partridge Enero 1.986 [RFC976] RFC976: "UUCP Mail Interchange Format Standard" Mark. R. Horton Febrero 1.986 [RFC977] RFC977: "Network News Transfer Protocol. A Proposed Standard for the Stream-Based Transmission of News" Brian Kantor Phil Lapsley Febrero 1.986 [RFC988] RFC988: "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting" S. E. Deering Julio 1.986 [RFC993] RFC993: "PCMAIL: A Distributed Mail System for Personal Computers" David D. Clark Mark L. Lambert Diciembre 1.986 [RFC1034] RFC1034: "Domain names - concepts and facilities" Paul Mockapetris Noviembre 1.987 [RFC1035] RFC1035: "Domain names - implementation and specification" Paul Mockapetris Noviembre 1.987 [RFC1036] RFC1036: "Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages" Mark Horton R. Adams Diciembre 1.987 [RFC1040] RFC1040: " Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I: Message Encipherment and Authentication Procedures" John Linn Enero 1.988 [RFC1041] RFC1041: "Telnet 3270 regime option" Y. Rekhter Enero 1.988 [RFC1043] RFC1043: "Telnet Data Entry Terminal option: DODIIS implementation" A. Yasuda T. Thompson Febrero 1.988 [RFC1047] RFC1047: "DUPLICATE MESSAGES AND SMTP" Craig Partridge Febrero 1.988 [RFC1053] RFC1053: "Telnet X.3 PAD option" S. Levy T. Jacobson Abril 1.988 [RFC1055] RFC1055: "A NONSTANDARD FOR TRANSMISSION OF IP DATAGRAMS OVER SERIAL LINES: SLIP" J. Romkey Junio 1.988 [RFC1057] RFC1057: "RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol specification version 2" Sun Microsystems, Inc Junio 1.988 [RFC1071] RFC1071: "Computing the Internet checksum" Robert Braden David Borman Craig Partridge Septiembre 1.988 [RFC1072] RFC1072: "TCP Extensions for Long-Delay Paths" Van Jacobson Robert Braden Octubre 1.988 [RFC1073] RFC1073: "Telnet Window Size Option" D. Waitzman Octubre 1.988 [RFC1079] RFC1079: "Telnet terminal speed option" C. Hedrick Diciembre 1.988 [RFC1082] RFC1082: "Post Office Protocol - Version 3. Extended Service Offerings" Marshall Rose Noviembre 1.988 [RFC1090] RFC1090: "SMTP on X.25" Robert Ullmann Febrero 1.989 [RFC1091] RFC1091: "Telnet Terminal-Type Option" James VanBokkelen Febrero 1.989 [RFC1094] RFC1094: "NFS: Network File System Protocol Specification" Sun Microsystems, Inc. Marzo 1.989 [RFC1096] RFC1096: "Telnet X display location option" G. Marcy Marzo 1.989 [RFC1097] RFC1097: "Telnet subliminal-message option" B. Miller Abril 1.989 [RFC1101] RFC1101: "DNS encoding of network names and other types" Paul Mockapetris Abril 1.989 [RFC1108] RFC1108: "U.S. Department of Defense Security Options for the Internet Protocol" Stephen Kent Noviembre 1.991 [RFC1112] RFC1112: "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting" Steve Deering Agosto 1.989 [RFC1122] RFC1122: "Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers" Robert Braden Octubre 1.989 [RFC1123] RFC1123:"Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support" Robert Braden Octubre 1.989 [RFC1137] RFC1137: "Mapping Between Full RFC 822 and RFC 822 with Restricted Encoding" Steve Kille Diciembre 1.989 [RFC1141] RFC1141: "Incremental Updating of the Internet Checksum" T. Mallory A. Kullberg Enero 1.990 [RFC1143] RFC1143: "The Q Method of Implementing TELNET Option Negotiation" Daniel J. Bernstein Febrero 1.990 [RFC1144] RFC1144: "Compressing TCP/IP Headers for Low-Speed Serial Links" Van Jacobson Febrero 1.990 [RFC1146] RFC1146: "TCP Alternate Checksum Options" Johnny Zweig Craig Partridge Marzo 1.990 [RFC1176] RFC1176: "INTERACTIVE MAIL ACCESS PROTOCOL - VERSION 2" Mark R. Crispin Agosto 1.990 [RFC1183] RFC1183: "New DNS RR Definitions" Craig F. Everhart Louis A. Mamakos Robert Ullmann Paul Mockapetris Octubre 1.990 [RFC1184] RFC1184: "Telnet Linemode Option" David A. Borman Octubre 1.990 [RFC1191] RFC1191: "Path MTU Discovery" Jeffrey Mogul Steve Deering Noviembre 1.990 [RFC1205] RFC1205: "5250 Telnet Interface" P. Chmielewski Febrero 1.991 [RFC1211] RFC1211: "Problems with the Maintenance of Large Mailing Lists" Ann Westine Jon Postel Marzo 1.991 [RFC1234] RFC1234: "Tunneling IPX Traffic through IP Networks" Don Provan Junio 1.991 [RFC1241] RFC1241: "A Scheme for an Internet Encapsulation Protocol: Version 1" Robert A. Woodburn David L. Mills Julio 1.991 [RFC1256] RFC 1256: "ICMP Router Discovery Messages" S. Deering Septiembre 1.991 [RFC1263] RFC1263: "TCP EXTENSIONS CONSIDERED HARMFUL" Larry L. Peterson Sean O'Malley Octubre 1.991 [RFC1272] RFC1272: "INTERNET ACCOUNTING: BACKGROUND" Cyndi Mills Donald Hirsh Gregory Ruth Noviembre 1.991 [RFC1281] RFC1281: "Guidelines for the Secure Operation of the Internet" Richard D. Pethia Stephen D. Crocker Barbara Y. Fraser Noviembre 1.991 [RFC1287] RFC1287: "Towards the Future Internet Architecture" David D. Clark Vinton G. Cerf Lyman A. Chapin Robert Braden Russell Hobby Diciembre 1.991 [RFC1293] RFC 1293: "Inverse Address Resolution Protocol" T. Bradley C. Brown Enero 1.992 [RFC1323] RFC1323: "TCP Extensions for High Performance" Van Jacobson Bob Braden Dave Borman Mayo 1.992 [RFC1327] RFC1327: "Mapping between X.400(1988) / ISO 10021 and RFC 822" Steve Hardcastle-Kille Mayo 1.992 [RFC1332] RFC1332: "The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP)" Glenn McGregor Mayo 1.992 [RFC1333] RFC1333: "PPP Link Quality Monitoring" William Allen Simpson Mayo 1.992 [RFC1334] RFC1334: "PPP Authentication Protocols" Brian Lloyd William Allen Simpson Octubre 1.992 [RFC1335] RFC1335: "A Two-Tier Address Structure for the Internet: A Solution to the Problem of Address Space Exhaustion" Zheng Wang Jon Crowcroft Mayo 1.992 [RFC1338] RFC1338: "Supernetting: an Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy" Vince Fuller Tony Li Jessica (Jie Yun) Yu Kannan Varadhan Junio 1.992 [RFC1343] RFC1343: "A User Agent Configuration Mechanism For Multimedia Mail Format Information" Nathaniel S. Borenstein Junio 1.992 [RFC1344] RFC1344: "Implications of MIME for Internet Mail Gateways" Nathaniel S. Borenstein Junio 1.992 [RFC1347] RFC1347: "TCP and UDP with Bigger Addresses (TUBA), A Simple Proposal for Internet Addressing and Routing" Ross Callon Junio 1.992 [RFC1349] RFC1349: "Type of Service in the Internet Protocol Suite" Philip Almquist Julio 1.992 [RFC1372] RFC1372: "Telnet Remote Flow Control Option" David Borman Charles Hedrick Octubre 1.992 [RFC1377] RFC1377: "The PPP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol (OSINLCP)" Dave Katz Noviembre 1.992 [RFC1380] RFC1380: "IESG Deliberations on Routing and Addressing" Phillip Gross Philip Almquist Noviembre 1.992 [RFC1383] RFC1383: "An Experiment in DNS Based IP Routing" Christian Huitema Diciembre 1.992 [RFC1393] RFC1393: "Traceroute Using an IP Option" Gary Scott Malkin Enero 1.993 [RFC1411] RFC1411: "Telnet Authentication: Kerberos Version 4" David Borman Enero 1.993 [RFC1412] RFC1412: "Telnet Authentication : SPX" K. Alagappan Enero 1.993 [RFC1416] RFC1416: "Telnet Authentication Option" David Borman Febrero 1.993 [RFC1421] RFC1421: "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I: Message Encryption and Authentication Procedures" John Linn Febrero 1.993 [RFC1422] RFC1422: "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part II: Certificate-Based Key Management" Steve Kent Febrero 1.993 [RFC1423] RFC1423: "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part III: Algorithms, Modes, and Identifiers" David Balenson Febrero 1.993 [RFC1424] RFC1424: "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part IV: Key Certification and Related Services" Burton S. Kaliski, Jr. Febrero 1.993 [RFC1428] RFC1428: "Transition of Internet Mail from Just-Send-8 to 8bit-SMTP/MIME" Greg Vaudreuil Febrero 1.993 [RFC1429] RFC1429: "Listserv Distribute Protocol" Eric Thomas Febrero 1.993 [RFC1435] RFC1435: "IESG Advice from Experience with Path MTU Discovery" Stev Knowles Marzo 1.993 [RFC1454] RFC1454: "Comparison of Proposals for Next Version of IP" Tim Dixon Mayo 1.993 [RFC1455] RFC1455: "Physical Link Security Type of Service" Donald E. Eastlake, III Mayo 1.993 [RFC1456] RFC1456: "Conventions for Encoding the Vietnamese Language VISCII: VIetnamese Standard Code for Information Interchange VIQR: VIetnamese Quoted-Readable Specification Revision 1.1" Cuong T. Nguyen Hoc D. Ngo Cuong M. Bui Thanh van Nguyen Mayo 1.993 [RFC1464] RFC1464: "Using the Domain Name System To Store Arbitrary String Attributes" Rich Rosenbaum Mayo 1.993 [RFC1466] RFC1466: "Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space" Elise Gerich Mayo 1.993 [RFC1467] RFC1467: "Status of CIDR Deployment in the Internet" Claudio Topolcic Agosto 1.993 [RFC1468] RFC1468: "Japanese Character Encoding for Internet Messages" Jun Murai Mark Crispin Erik M. van der Poel Junio 1.993 [RFC1475] RFC1475: "TP/IX: The Next Internet" Robert Ullmann Junio 1.993 [RFC1480] RFC1480: "The US Domain" Ann Cooper Jon Postel Junio 1.993 [RFC1480] RFC1480: "Registration of a Cyrillic Character Set" Andrew A. Chernov Julio 1.993 [RFC1481] RFC1481: "IAB Recommendation for an Intermediate Strategy to Address the Issue of Scaling" Christian Huitema Julio 1.993 [RFC1494] RFC1494: "Equivalences between 1988 X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies" Steven J. Thompson Harald Tveit Alvestrand Agosto 1.993 [RFC1495] RFC1495: "Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies" Harald Tveit Alvestrand Steve Kille Robert S. Miles Marshall T. Rose Steven J. Thompson Agosto 1.993 [RFC1496] RFC1496: "Rules for Downgrading Messages from X.400/88 to X.400/84 When MIME Content-Types are Present in the Messages" Harald Tveit Alvestrand Kevin E. Jordan, ARH215 James A. Romaguera Agosto 1.993 [RFC1498] RFC1498: "On the Naming and Binding of Network Destinations" Jerome H. Saltzer Agosto 1.993 [RFC1505] RFC1505: "Encoding Header Field for Internet Messages" Albert K. Costanzo David Robinson Robert Ullmann Agosto 1.993 [RFC1517] RFC1517: "Applicability Statement for the Implementation of Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)" Robert M. Hinden Septiembre 1.993 [RFC1518] RFC1518: "An Architecture for IP Address Allocation with CIDR" Yakov Rekhter Tony Li Septiembre 1.993 [RFC1519] RFC1519: "Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy" Vince Fuller Tony Li Septiembre 1.993 [RFC1520] RFC1520: "Exchanging Routing Information Across Provider Boundaries in the CIDR Environment" Yakov Rekhter Claudio Topolcic Septiembre 1.993 [RFC1521] RFC1521: "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies" Nathaniel S. Borenstein Ned Freed Septiembre 1.993 [RFC1522] RFC1522: "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Two: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text" Keith Moore Septiembre 1.993 [RFC1523] RFC1523: "The text/enriched MIME Content-type" Nathaniel S. Borenstein Septiembre 1.993 [RFC1524] RFC1524: "A User Agent Configuration Mechanism For Multimedia Mail Format Information" Nathaniel S. Borenstein Septiembre 1.993 [RFC1526] RFC1526: "Assignment of System Identifiers for TUBA/CLNP Hosts" David M. Piscitello Septiembre 1.993 [RFC1535] RFC1535: "A Security Problem and Proposed Correction With Widely Deployed DNS Software" Ehud Gavron Octubre 1.993 [RFC1536] RFC1536: "Common DNS Implementation Errors and Suggested Fixes" Anant Kumar Jon Postel Cliff Neuman Peter Danzig Steve Miller Octubre 1.993 [RFC1541] RFC1541: "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol" R. Droms Octubre 1993 [RFC1546] RFC1546: "Host Anycasting Service" Walter Milliken Trevor Mendez Craig Partridge Noviembre 1.993 [RFC1550] RFC1550: "IP: Next Generation (IPng) White Paper Solicitation" Scott Bradner Allison Mankin Diciembre 1.993 [RFC1554] RFC1554: "ISO-2022-JP-2: Multilingual Extension of ISO-2022-JP" Masataka Ohta Ken'ichi Handa Diciembre 1.993 [RFC1556] RFC1556: "Handling of Bi-directional Texts in MIME" Hank Nussbacher Diciembre 1.993 [RFC1557] RFC1557: "Korean Character Encoding for Internet Messages" Hyunje Park Kilnam Chon Uhhyung Choi Diciembre 1.993 [RFC1560] RFC1560: "The MultiProtocol Internet" Dr. Barry M. Leiner Yakov Rekhter Diciembre 1.993 [RFC1570] RFC1570: "PPP LCP Extensions" William Allen Simpson Enero 1.994 [RFC1571] RFC1571: "Telnet Environment Option Interoperability Issues" David Borman Enero 1.994 [RFC1572] RFC1572: "Telnet Environment Option" Steve Alexander Enero 1.994 [RFC1579] RFC1579: "Firewall-Friendly FTP" Steven M. Bellovin Febrero 1.994 [RFC1590] RFC1590: "Media Type Registration Procedure" Jon Postel Marzo 1.994 [RFC1591] RFC1591: "Domain Name System Structure and Delegation" Jon Postel Marzo 1.994 [RFC1597] RFC1597: "Address Allocation for Private Internets" Yakov Rekhter Robert G Moskowitz Daniel Karrenberg Geert Jan de Groot Marzo 1.994 [RFC1611] RFC1611: "DNS Server MIB Extensions" Rob Austein Jon Saperia Mayo 1.994 [RFC1612] RFC1612: "DNS Resolver MIB Extensions" Rob Austein Jon Saperia Mayo 1.994 [RFC1621] RFC1621: "Pip Near-term Architecture" Paul Francis Mayo 1.994 [RFC1622] RFC1622: "Pip Header Processing" Paul Francis Mayo 1.994 [RFC1624] RFC1624: "Computation of the Internet Checksum via Incremental Update" A. Rijsinghani Mayo 1.994 [RFC1636] RFC1636: "Report of IAB Workshop on Security in the Internet Architecture. February 8-10, 1994" Bob Braden David Clark Steve Crocker Christian Huitema Junio 1.994 [RFC1639] RFC1639: "FTP Operation Over Big Address Records (FOOBAR)" David M. Piscitello Junio 1.994 [RFC1641] RFC1641: "Using Unicode with MIME" David Goldsmith Mark Davis Julio 1.994 [RFC1642] RFC1642: "UTF-7: A Mail-Safe Transformation Format of Unicode" David Goldsmith Mark Davis Julio 1.994 [RFC1652] RFC1652: "SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport" John Klensin Ned Freed Marshall T. Rose Einar A. Stefferud Dave Crocker Julio 1.994 [RFC1661] RFC1661: "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)" William Allen Simpson Julio 1.994 [RFC1662] RFC1662: "PPP in HDLC-like Framing" William Allen Simpson Julio 1.994 [RFC1664] RFC1664: "Using the Internet DNS to Distribute RFC1327 Mail Address Mapping Tables" Claudio Allocchio Antonio Blasco Bonito Bruce Cole Silvia Giordano Robert Hagens Agosto 1.994 [RFC1667] RFC1667: "Modeling and Simulation Requirements for IPng" Susan Symington David Wood J. Mark Pullen Agosto 1.994 [RFC1668] RFC1668: "Unified Routing Requirements for IPng" Deborah Estrin Tony Li Yakov Rekhter Agosto 1.994 [RFC1669] RFC1669: "Market Viability as a IPng Criteria" John Curran Agosto 1.994 [RFC1670] RFC1670: "Input to IPng Engineering Considerations" Denise Heagerty Agosto 1.994 [RFC1671] RFC1671: "IPng White Paper on Transition and Other Considerations" Brian E. Carpenter Agosto 1.994 [RFC1672] RFC1672: "Accounting Requirements for IPng" Nevil Brownlee Agosto 1.994 [RFC1673] RFC1673: "Electric Power Research Institute Comments on IPng" Ron Skelton Agosto 1.994 [RFC1674] RFC1674: "A Cellular Industry View of IPng" Mark S. Taylor Agosto 1.994 [RFC1675] RFC1675: "Security Concerns for IPng" Steven M. Bellovin Agosto 1.994 [RFC1676] RFC1676: "INFN Requirements for an IPng" Davide Salomoni Cristina Vistoli Antonia Ghiselli Agosto 1.994 [RFC1677] RFC1677: "Tactical Radio Frequency Communication Requirments for IPng" R. Brian Adamson Agosto 1.994 [RFC1678] RFC1678: "IPng Requirements of Large Corporate Networks" Edward Britton John Tavs Agosto 1.994 [RFC1679] RFC1679: "HPN Working Group Input to the IPng Requirements Solicitation" Dan Green Phil Irey Dave Marlow Karen O'Donoghue Agosto 1.994 [RFC1680] RFC1680: "IPng Support for ATM Services" Christina Brazdziunas Agosto 1.994 [RFC1681] RFC1681: "On Many Addresses per Host" Steven M. Bellovin Agosto 1.994 [RFC1682] RFC1682: "IPng BSD Host Implementation Analysis" Jim Bound Agosto 1.994 [RFC1683] RFC1683: "Multiprotocol Interoperability In IPng" Russell J. Clark Mostafa H. Ammar Kenneth L. Calvert Agosto 1.994 [RFC1686] RFC1686: "IPng Requirements: A Cable Television Industry Viewpoint" Mario P. Vecchi Agosto 1.994 [RFC1687] RFC1687: "A Large Corporate User's View of IPng" Eric Fleischman Agosto 1.994 [RFC1688] RFC1688: "IPng Mobility Considerations" William Allen Simpson Agosto 1.994 [RFC1693] RFC1693: "An Extension to TCP : Partial Order Service" Phill Conrad Paul D. Amer Tom Connolly Noviembre 1.994 [RFC1701] RFC1701: "Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)" Stan Hanks Tony Li Dino Farinacci Paul Traina Octubre 1.994 [RFC1705] RFC1705: "Six Virtual Inches to the Left: The Problem with IPng" Richard Carlson Domenic Ficarella Octubre 1.994 [RFC1706] RFC1706: "DNS NSAP Resource Records" Bill Manning Richard Colella Octubre 1.994 [RFC1707] RFC1707: "CATNIP: Common Architecture for the Internet" Michael McGovern Robert Ullmann Octubre 1.994 [RFC1710] RFC1710: "Simple Internet Protocol Plus White Paper" Robert M. Hinden Octubre 1.994 [RFC1712] RFC1712: "DNS Encoding of Geographical Location" Craig Farrell Mike Schulze Scott Pleitner Daniel Baldoni Noviembre 1.994 [RFC1713] RFC1713: "Tools for DNS debugging" Artur Romao Noviembre 1.994 [RFC1719] RFC1719: "A Direction for IPng" Phill Gross Diciembre 1.994 [RFC1725] RFC1725: "Post Office Protocol - Version 3" John G. Myers Marshall T. Rose Noviembre 1.994 [RFC1726] RFC1726: "Technical Criteria for Choosing IP The Next Generation (IPng)" Craig Partridge Frank Kastenholz Diciembre 1.994 [RFC1730] RFC1730: "INTERNET MESSAGE ACCESS PROTOCOL - VERSION 4" Mark R. Crispin Diciembre 1.994 [RFC1731] RFC1731: "IMAP4 Authentication Mechanisms" John G. Myers Diciembre 1.994 [RFC1732] RFC1732: "IMAP4 COMPATIBILITY WITH IMAP2 AND IMAP2BIS" Mark R. Crispin Diciembre 1.994 [RFC1734] RFC1734: "POP3 AUTHentication command" John G. Myers Diciembre 1.994 [RFC1740] RFC1740: "MIME Encapsulation of Macintosh files - MacMIME" Patrik Faltstrom Dave Crocker Erik E. Fair Diciembre 1.994 [RFC1741] RFC1741: "MIME Content Type for BinHex Encoded Files" Patrik Faltstrom Dave Crocker Erik E. Fair Diciembre 1.994 [RFC1750] RFC1750: "Randomness Recommendations for Security" Donald E. Eastlake 3rd Stephen D. Crocker Jeffrey I. Schiller Diciembre 1.994 [RFC1752] RFC1752: "The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation Protocol" Scott Bradner Allison Mankin Enero 1.995 [RFC1753] RFC1753: "IPng Technical Requirements Of the Nimrod Routing and Addressing Architecture" J. Noel Chiappa Enero 1.995 [RFC1767] RFC1767: "MIME Encapsulation of EDI Objects" David H. Crocker Marzo 1.995 [RFC1788] RFC1788: "ICMP Domain Name Messages" William Allen Simpson Abril 1.995 [RFC1794] RFC1794: "DNS Support for Load Balancing" Thomas P. Brisco Abril 1.995 [RFC1797] RFC1797: "Class A Subnet Experiment" Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Abril 1.995 [RFC1806] RFC1806: "Communicating Presentation Information in Internet Messages: The Content-Disposition Header" Rens Troost Steve Dorner Junio 1.995 [RFC1809] RFC1809: "Using the Flow Label Field in IPv6" Craig Partridge Junio 1.995 [RFC1812] RFC1812: "Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers" Fred Baker Junio 1.995 [RFC1813] RFC1813: "NFS Version 3 Protocol Specification" B. Callaghan B. Pawlowski P. Staubach Junio 1.995 [RFC1815] RFC1815: "Character Sets ISO-10646 and ISO-10646-J-1" Masataka Ohta Julio 1.995 [RFC1817] RFC1817: "CIDR and Classful Routing" Yakov Rekhter Agosto 1.995 [RFC1825] RFC1825: "Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol" Randall Atkinson Agosto 1.995 [RFC1826] RFC1826: "IP Authentication Header" Randall Atkinson Agosto 1.995 [RFC1827] RFC1827: "IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)" Randall Atkinson Agosto 1.995 [RFC1828] RFC1828: "IP Authentication using Keyed MD5" Perry Metzger William Allen Simpson Agosto 1.995 [RFC1829] RFC1829: "The ESP DES-CBC Transform" Perry Metzger William Allen Simpson Agosto 1.995 [RFC1830] RFC1830: "SMTP Service Extensions for Transmission of Large and Binary MIME Messages" Gregory M. Vaudreuil Agosto 1.995 [RFC1831] RFC1831: "RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification Version 2" R. Srinivasan Agosto 1.995 [RFC1841] RFC1841: "PPP Network Control Protocol for LAN Extension" Joelle Bafile Chapman Dave Coli Andy Harvey Bent Jensen Kevin Rowett Septiembre 1.995 [RFC1842] RFC1842: "ASCII Printable Characters-Based Chinese Character Encoding for Internet Messages" Ya-Gui Wei Yun Fei Zhang Jian Q. Li Jian Ding Yuan Jiang Agosto 1.995 [RFC1843] RFC1843: "HZ - A Data Format for Exchanging Files of Arbitrarily Mixed Chinese and ASCII characters" Fung Fung Lee Agosto 1.995 [RFC1844] RFC1844: "Multimedia E-mail (MIME) User Agent checklist" Erik Huizer Agosto 1.995 [RFC1845] RFC1845: "SMTP Service Extension for Checkpoint/Restart" Dave Crocker Ned Freed A. Cargille Septiembre 1.995 [RFC1846] RFC1846: "SMTP 521 Reply Code" Alain Durand Francis Dupont Septiembre 1.995 [RFC1847] RFC1847: "Security Multiparts for MIME: Multipart/Signed and Multipart/Encrypted" Jim Galvin Sandy Murphy Steve Crocker Ned Freed Octubre 1.995 [RFC1848] RFC1848: "MIME Object Security Services" Steve Crocker James M. Galvin Sandra Murphy Ned Freed Octubre 1.995 [RFC1852] RFC1852: "IP Authentication using Keyed SHA" Perry Metzger William Allen Simpson Septiembre 1.995 [RFC1853] RFC1853: "IP in IP Tunneling" William Allen Simpson Octubre 1.995 [RFC1854] RFC1854: "SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining" Ned Freed Octubre 1.995 [RFC1866] RFC1866: "Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0" T. Berners-Lee D. Connolly Noviembre 1.995 [RFC1868] RFC 1868: "ARP Extension - UNARP" G. Malkin Noviembre 1.995 [RFC1869] RFC1869: "SMTP Service Extensions" John Klensin Ned Freed Marshall T. Rose Einar A. Stefferud Dave Crocker Noviembre 1.995 [RFC1870] RFC1870: "SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration" John Klensin Ned Freed Keith Moore Noviembre 1.995 [RFC1872] RFC1872: "The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type" Edward Levinson Diciembre 1.995 [RFC1873] RFC1873: "Message/External-Body Content-ID Access Type" Edward Levinson James Clark Diciembre 1.995 [RFC1874] RFC1874: "SGML Media Types" Edward Levinson Diciembre 1.995 [RFC1876] RFC1876: "A Means for Expressing Location Information in the Domain Name System" Christopher Davis Paul Vixie Tim Goodwin Ian Dickinson Enero 1.996 [RFC1877] RFC1877: "PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol Extensions for Name Server Addresses" Steve Cobb Diciembre 1.995 [RFC1878] RFC1878: "Variable Length Subnet Table For IPv4" Troy T. Pummill Bill Manning Diciembre 1.995 [RFC1879] RFC1879: "Class A Subnet Experiment Results and Recommendations" Bill Manning Enero 1.996 [RFC1881] RFC1881: "IPv6 Address Allocation Management" Internet Architecture Board Internet Engineering Steering Group Diciembre 1.995 [RFC1883] RFC1883: "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification" Stephen E. Deering Robert M. Hinden Diciembre 1.995 [RFC1884] RFC1884: "IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture" Robert M. Hinden Stephen E. Deering Diciembre 1.995 [RFC1885] RFC1885: "Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification" Stephen Deering Alex Conta Diciembre 1.995 [RFC1886] RFC1886: "DNS Extensions to support IP version 6" Susan Thomson Christian Huitema Diciembre 1.995 [RFC1887] RFC1887: "An Architecture for IPv6 Unicast Address Allocation" Yakov Rekhter Tony Li Diciembre 1.995 [RFC1891] RFC1891: "SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications" Keith Moore Enero 1.996 [RFC1892] RFC1892: "The Multipart/Report Content Type for the Reporting of Mail System Administrative Messages" Gregory M. Vaudreuil Enero 1.996 [RFC1893] RFC1893: "Enhanced Mail System Status Codes" Gregory M. Vaudreuil Enero 1.996 [RFC1894] RFC1894: "An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications" Keith Moore Gregory M. Vaudreuil Enero 1.996 [RFC1895] RFC1895: "The Application/CALS-1840 Content-type" Edward Levinson Febrero 1.996 [RFC1896] RFC1896: "The text/enriched MIME Content-type" Peter W. Resnick Amanda Walker [RFC1897] RFC1897: "IPv6 Testing Address Allocation" Robert M. Hinden Jon Postel Enero 1.996 [RFC1912] RFC1912: "Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors" David Barr Febrero 1.996 [RFC1915] RFC1915: "Variance for The PPP Connection Control Protocol and The PPP Encryption Control Protocol" Frank Kastenholz Febrero 1.996 [RFC1917] RFC1917: "An Appeal to the Internet Community to Return Unused IP Networks (Prefixes) to the IANA" Philip J. Nesser II Febrero 1.996 [RFC1924] RFC1924: "A Compact Representation of IPv6 Addresses" Robert Elz Abril 1.996 [RFC1927] RFC1927: "Suggested Additional MIME Types for Associating Documents" Craig Milo Rogers Abril 1.996 [RFC1931] RFC 1931: "Dynamic RARP Extensions for Automatic Network Address Acquisition" D. Brownell Abril 1996 [RFC1933] RFC1933: "Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers" Robert E. Gilligan Erik Nordmark Abril 1.996 [RFC1936] RFC1936: "Implementing the Internet Checksum in Hardware" J. Touch B.Parham Abril 1.996 [SMACK] "The SMACK Protocol" Jan Schiefer, DL5UE Dieter Deyke, DK5SG/N0PRA 27 de Febrero de 1.992 Original en Alemán. Traducción al Inglés por Mike Chace, G6DHU, en Febrero de 1.993 [STIK-CFG] Formato de los ficheros de configuración del software STiK Steve Adam 27 de Septiembre de 1.995 [TELEVIDEO] Televideo 9320 Operator's Manual Junio 1.988
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